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What is a Hypodermic Needle?

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In modern medicine, hypodermic needles are an essential tool for delivering medication into the human body. This article will explore the definition, history, anatomy, uses, and safety considerations of hypodermic needles. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of what a hypodermic needle is and its importance in modern medicine.

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Hypodermic needle hub cartoon

Hypodermic needle images-5

Hypodermic needle images

Definition of a Hypodermic Needle

A hypodermic needle is a medical device that consists of a hollow needle attached to a syringe. The needle is used to penetrate the skin and underlying tissues to deliver medication, vaccines, or other fluids directly into the bloodstream, muscles, or tissues. Hypodermic needles come in various sizes and shapes and are commonly made of stainless steel.

Datasheet - Hypodermic needle.pdf

History of the Hypodermic Needle

The invention of the hypodermic needle can be traced back to the 19th century. In 1853, Charles Pravaz and Alexander Wood invented the hypodermic syringe, which was used for injecting morphine as a painkiller. During World War I, hypodermic needles were widely used to deliver medicine and pain relief to injured soldiers. Today, hypodermic needles are used in various medical procedures, including vaccinations, blood draws, and insulin injections.

Anatomy of a Hypodermic Needle

A hypodermic needle consists of three main parts: the hub, the bevel, and the cannula. The hub is the part of the needle that attaches to the syringe, and it may be made of plastic or metal. The cannula is the long, thin, hollow tube of the needle that penetrates the skin. The bevel is the slanted tip of the needle that allows for easier penetration of the skin.

Hypodermic needle specification

Uses of Hypodermic Needles

Hypodermic needles are used in various medical procedures, including:


Hypodermic needles are used to administer vaccines to prevent diseases such as influenza, polio, and hepatitis.

Blood Draws

Hypodermic needles are used to draw blood for medical tests, such as glucose levels and cholesterol levels.

Insulin Injections

Hypodermic needles are used to inject insulin into the bloodstream for people with diabetes.

Medication Delivery

Hypodermic needles are used to deliver medication to treat various conditions such as pain, infections, and cancer.

Advantages, features & benefits for hypodermic needle 

 Sterile - ideal for use in medical environments

 Disposable, designed for single-use only 

✔ Latex-free, PVC-free 

 Can be easily connected to both luer slip and luer lock adapters

 Colour coded hub & various gauge sizes models available

 Packing size: 100 needles/box, 100 boxes/carton; or bulk packing available 

 Ultra sharp needle point, reducing patient discomfort, reducing punctured area 

Hypodermic needle drawing

Hypodermic needle drawing

Safety Considerations

The use of hypodermic needles carries some risks, such as infection, allergic reactions, and accidental injury. To reduce the risks, the following safety precautions are recommended:

Proper Disposal

Hypodermic needles should be properly disposed of in a puncture-resistant container, such as a sharps container.


Hypodermic needles should be sterilized before each use to prevent infection.


Hypodermic needles should be used only once to reduce the risk of infection and injury.

Needlestick Injuries

Healthcare workers who use hypodermic needles should take precautions to avoid needlestick injuries, such as wearing gloves and using safety devices.


In conclusion, hypodermic needles are an essential tool in modern medicine for delivering medication directly into the body. Understanding the anatomy, history, uses, and safety considerations of hypodermic needles is crucial to their proper use and safety. By following the recommended safety precautions, the risks associated with hypodermic needle use can be minimized.


1. What are the risks associated with hypodermic needle use?

       The risks associated with hypodermic needle use include infection, allergic reactions, and accidental injury. It is important to follow proper safety precautions to minimize these risks.

 2. How should hypodermic needles be disposed of?

       Hypodermic needles should be properly disposed of in a puncture-resistant container, such as a sharps container. This helps prevent accidental needlestick injuries and ensures safe disposal.

3. Can hypodermic needles be reused?

       No, hypodermic needles are designed for single-use only. Reusing needles can increase the risk of infection and injury. It is important to use a new, sterile needle for each procedure.

4. Are there different sizes of hypodermic needles available?

      Yes, hypodermic needles come in various sizes, ranging from very thin needles used for delicate injections to larger needles for procedures that require thicker fluids or deeper penetration.

5. Do hypodermic needles cause pain during injections?

      The pain experienced during an injection can vary depending on factors such as the size of the needle, the injection site, and individual sensitivity. However, healthcare professionals often use techniques to minimize discomfort, such as numbing the area or using smaller-gauge needles.

Remember, if you have any specific concerns or questions about hypodermic needles, it is always best to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and information. 

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  Hehai Middle Road, Xinbei District, Changzhou, Jiangsu, China


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